Well I guess by now it is official, I’ve told family, friends, doctors know and its even been posted on Facebook. Time to make the last announcement. Team Davis is relocating to Richmond, VA. We are both excited and nervous. In denial and a crazy state of getting ready. We currently live in Chesapeake VA. This is only about 2 hours away but it is one of the scariest things I’ve done. (okay so using the glucagon gun on Joshua's 1 year anniversary was the scariest but you know what I mean) Last year rocked our family, financially and emotionally. On top of Brian's T1 supplies Joshua was dx with a 6 day hospital stay, then of his supplies, Brian lost his job, Jackson had several medical issues and the list goes on and on. Brian found a job 3 months after losing it but it was a 50% pay cut from our regular salary. So this last year we haven’t ever caught up. Family and friends have been amazing pitching in and helping but we had to look for something more. Brian is a Speech Therapist who has experience with Children and Adults so when this company came looking for him and fell in love with him they made an offer quickly. He is great at what he does. While I am proud of him, I am scared of this new future. The financial compensation will be helpful and with time we should be able to "breathe" again.
The issue is Chesapeake is the only "home" I’ve ever known. All of my friends, family and support system is here. Yes we know people in Richmond and they have learned about Joshua from FB but really they don’t know Joshua like our people here do. On top of that it means an entire new team for his Diabetes and Patricians. I love our doctors here. They know us. They love us, they know him. When we walk in they know our names. They lived through the first few days with us. They lived through the first year. I know I am being silly. Military people do this all the time. I have a dear friend who is relocating to Germany. I know it is only 2 hours away but it is still leaving everyone.
The plan is that Brian will move to Richmond July 18 to start work there and then come home on the weekends until we rent our home out and then we find a place there. This also means Ill be solo m-f for all the overnight checks. I know
Laura does it all the time and man she is my hero!
I am excited about the opportunity it will present us with however I am scared out of my mind. Has anyone relocated with a Child with T1? what are your recommendations? If you were allowed would you travel 2 hours for your endo or find a new one???