Since turning 2 Joshua has developed well lets say... some independence. He has never been the best eater. We struggled to get him to eat baby food, and then to move to table food. But this last year its been better. Not great but not bad either. Now all of a sudden he wont eat. I mean flat out refusing. Ive tried the 2 choices Ive tried to play silly games to get him to eat but REALLY!! come on... He will like something today and tomorrow refuse it the worst meal for us is breakfast. By far everyday this is a struggle. He wont eat oatmeal, cereal, toast, eggs, pancakes, or waffles anymore. With Jackson if this was the case we would end meal and he would eat when hungry at the next meal not an option here. So instead I have Jackson eating great at the table and then Joshua screaming no, done now... I never wanted to be a short order cook at my house and now not only am I offering option after option, but now we are playing ridiculous games tyring to get him to eat.
I know there is not really an answer to this I just had to vent my frustration with this processes and the fact that I have to get my 2 year old to eat when his BG says not when his tummy says.