Okay so not to the question... do let your kids have crystal light and other water flavors? At our house we try to limit juice to 1 a day. We do white milk, and water most of the time. I use crystal light for me but I have tried to stay away from it for the kids simply because of the nurtasweet and splenda in these things. Im looking for options for the boys. They will drink water fine, but I wanted to give them some options. There are websites all over the place saying kids shouldn't have the chemicals in the water flavor drinks but Im trying to avoid the constant shots from extra milk and the extra calories and sugar spikes of juice all the time. What are your go to drinks? Remember my kidos are 2 and 5 so we dont do the soda option for them at all.
So tell me whats your opinion?
Well I also do not like Natalie having all the fake sweeteners, but I haven't found any other option. She drinks a lot of crystal light and yes I worry about it, so lately I have tried making her alternate between a cup of water and a cup of crystal light. It's hard! Natalie only gets one glass of juice in the morning and it is the ocean spray diet cranberry blends which only have 2 carbs per 8 ounces...it is sweetened with splenda though too. When she has lunch at school, she has the minute maid fruit falls which are only 2 carbs. My kids drink soy milk which is only 2 carbs per 8 ounces. The crystal light really is something that is on my mind a lot, but in the morning she is always thirsty because of her post breakfast spike so I give in since I want her to drink fluids. I'd love to hear what others do too!
ReplyDeleteI am glad your getting caught up... that makes one of us atleast :)
ReplyDeleteI do let my kids have the crystal light and the sugar free koolaids. I was taught to save my carbs for food back when Justin was on MDI's.
He does drink water, but I don't drink water at diner so I can't expect him too. Does that make sense?
We do the milk thing at bedtime with a snack.
I am so glad you posted this! I was thinking of the same type of post recently myself! I am always frustrated with the diet sections out there. My hubby,not a little one of course, sticks with diet tea most of the time, but also does crystal light and diet soda once in a while. I end up drinking the same since it is in the house, I too worry about the "fake sugars" in these but I have convinced myself, that drinking this is better than the alternative, extra insulin and crazy numbers. When your a diabetic, I guess you have to pick your battles with food. I would say for your little ones, try the low sugar natural juices. I think motts and others make low sugar varieties. Maybe that will help....or you can water down the juices so there is less sugar being ingested,
ReplyDeleteMy boys (8, 6, &2) just drink milk and water. I saw that Capri Sun has some flavored water pouches (raging waters??) that have like 5 carbs in them or you can water down juice or use only a bit of crystal light so that it adds flavor without too much fake sugars. hope you get some good suggestions.
ReplyDeleteWe don't do juice at all normally unless it is for treating or low OR we happen to have extra fruit around that needs to get used up..then we juice it in our juicer and let addison have a small glass. We just do water, water and unsweetened almond or soy milk. The unsweetened almond and soy come in chocolate and vanilla and they have a really small amount of carbs per 8 oz. Whole Foods has some tasty still and sparkling waters with natural flavors no other weird or questionable ingredients. We like to get those for extra treats. They are carb free and taste pretty great.
ReplyDeletethat would be treating *a* low!
ReplyDeleteoh and another thing we have sometimes is herbal tea! fruit flavors are wonderful and Addison likes them hot or iced. No carbs but really tasty and even a little sweet!
ReplyDeleteWe dont do any diet drinks anymore. We have eliminated all artificial sweetners.
ReplyDeleteWe drink lots of water, milk with a meal, almond milk we drink all day! Its ony 2gc per cup! We love it!
Also I dont know if you know Sierra Mist has made an all natural soda that has no HFCS, or artificial sweetners! We allow a cup of that now and then with dinner. No spikes! We pre bolus for it.
Also I buy stevia and agave nectar syrup and make my own Iced tea, and lemonade :)
Hi. :) I found you through another blog. I have a 4 y/o son with T1 and a 2 y/o and 10 week old. I let the one with T1 have one cup of milk a day (actually a little less than that) and the rest of the time it's Crystal Lite or water. My 2 y/o gets one cup of milk and one cup of "real" juice and Crystal Lite the rest of the day also.
ReplyDeleteElise pretty much only drinks water. That's what we drink too, so it's no big deal. Sometimes with dinner, I'll giver some chocolate milk (mixed with white milk... 70% white/30% chocolate). I make sure to buy chocolate milk with no HFCS in it. Usually the good, organic brands are fine.
ReplyDeleteI know some D-Moms give their kids Honest Kids juice pouches. I think they have about 10g per pouch, are organic, and have no artificial sweeteners.
Great question - I loved reading the responses.
ReplyDeleteNate drinks water and PowerAde Zero. I drink diet coke all day long so I'm not afraid of the artificial sweeteners but I do try to limit them for the kids. :)
We also drink almond milk a lot but my kids like the vanilla flavor and it's like 10g of carbs per cup. I hate bolusing for a drink because I never know if he's going to drink it all so I typically stick to water and PowerAde.
You know how it is . . . so hard with a little guy!!
We do water. Thats what she likes. Weird, huh!?!? I have the Just 10 pouches but she really does not like them. We only do juice with lows. No pop. She does not like crystal light or kook aid. She used to drink milk but does not much at all anymore.
ReplyDeleteWe have a tupperware jug, that sits in the fridge door, i fill it with water, and before the spout, is a strainer, so you can chop up fruits to flavor the water - oranges, lemons, strawberries whatever takes your fancy and is in season.
ReplyDeleteWe're Crystal Light junkies and love all the various flavored waters (including the carbonated ones). They love milk and water...and I do use Capri Suns (lower carb usually) when packing her school lunch.
ReplyDeleteWater and milk here. Juice if the Bean is low and juice for the other kids if they happen to see the Bean is getting some and demand some too.
ReplyDeleteThings like pop, chocolate milk and gatorade are for special occasions. And we never have crystal light. :)
Hi there!! I found your blog through another D mama!! Your kids are adorable!! My 9 year old son has D and when we are not eating meals (he gets fat free milk for those) he drinks Minute Maid Just 10 juice pouches (like CapriSun). They only have 2 grams per pouch. There is another brand out there also with 2 grams. Just look for the "10" on the label. No artificial sweeteners in them. ;D
ReplyDeleteI usually put Crystal light in her lunch box just about every day. I know that's probably not good, but she also drinks a lot of water at home. At dinner time all of our kids get their choice of milk or water. They don't drink a lot of juice, either, but they do occasionally.
ReplyDeleteYou know we're a soda free home and don't normally have things like Crystal Light or flavored water. Like Jules we drink flavored water from real fruit. I will chop of strawberries and lemons, oranges, limes, mango....what ever I am in the mood for or find on sale frozen and add it to water. Another option is tea. So many different flavors (non caffeinated) and will taste great right out of the fridge. Hope that helps!
ReplyDeleteWe have recently tried almond milk. There is one brand (Blue Diamond) that is unsweetened an an 8 oz glass is only 2g carbs! Of course, my t1 son does not care for it too much, but my nonD daughter loves it. (Probably son does not like because we tried the sweetened versions first.) And if you are into really giving a treat, Silk's Dark Chocolate Almond milk is TOO DIE FOR. WAAAAYYYY better than regular chocolate milk.
ReplyDeleteThe drink options at our house are milk, water, juice and now almond milk. Crystal light and diet soda are for special occasions (parties) only.
Hi, I wondered how things were haven't seen you posting. Maybe we could keep in touch via email or facebook? My sons had diabetes a year now and isn't 2 yet.
ReplyDeleteWater and milk (flavoured Sippah straws) only. Cordials sometimes during summer for a bit of variety. Apple juice saved for hypos.
ReplyDeleteSoft drinks (sodas) are for occassional treats.