
Friday, May 25, 2012

Joshua's Story- from Brians point of view

As many of you have heard I was not here when Joshua was first diagnosed.. I was at a conference 4.5 hours away in a snow storm.  I have shared my story before but Brian has just written about it from his point of view.  He saw images that day of our son that I pray I never have to see... he had to handle it with out me.  There are things I will never understand because I wasnt there and didnt have to live through it. I got the call, got scared and got in a car with my dear friend driving me home. Yes, I was away from it and could do nothing at all... but he was there living it and could do nothing at all.  HE saved our son that day.  He was my hero.  I thought you might like to see his point of view.  D Dad blog

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